Rihanna is one of the many celebrities with a foot the most expensive in the world. This Barbadian singer spend U.S. $ 1 million to protect a pair of beautiful legs.

6.Mariah Carey
After signing advertising contracts 'Gillette's Legs Of A Goddess', Carey insured her body for U.S. direct $ 1 billion A source close to the singer revealed, reflecting the popularity of the insurance value of a Mariah Carey.

7.Broke Shield
No one will dispute the fact that Shields was one of the most beautiful actress with legs. However, he refused to how much money he invested to keep the two 'assets' such.

8.Tina Turner
Actress Tina Turner created controversy after signing an insurance policy valued at U.S. $ 3.2 million for the second leg. January 2009, police arrested the singer after he allegedly intentionally set fire to his calf for financial reasons when there is a fire at his home.
However, the breast star, who was insured for a total of U.S. $ 790 thousand (Rp7, 3 billion) was not injured in this incident.

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